WRITING LESSON: Expanding a Sentence by Adding FAST Words.

There's no doubt that you can 't be a good writer without carefully checking your work before you hand it in, but there's also no doubt that you can't be a great writer without learning to use the thesaurus to brighten your writing. The thesaurus is one of the finest tools I've ever discovered for adding a little luster, a little pizzazz, to my writing. However, remember two simple rules when using the thesaurus:
1)Don't overuse thesaurus words. Remember that gold is only valuable because it is rare. I would suggest limiting yourself to one thesaurus word per paragraph. 2) Also, be sure the thesaurus word is apt -- that it fits perfectly where you're going to use it.

Every thesaurus word you use should be a F.A.S.T. word -- Fresh, Apt, Specific, and True.
Fresh: The word should bring a new and interesting meaning to the sentence.
Apt: The word should fit where you want to use it. It should be appropriate for that particular sentence. (If you're not sure, ask mom, dad, or me if we think the word is apt.)
Specific: The thesaurus word should say something that is very particular and necessary for that sentence.
True: The word must sound sincere and “real”, not phony and ostentatious (showy).